Darkness Immersions

Behind the distractions and noise of our minds, our Souls yearn to experience the purity of our own immaculate origin. Who are we behind the masks, roles and patterns that obscure our true essence and leave us unfulfilled and overwhelmed?

An ancient practice revered across spiritual traditions is now returning to ‘Light the Way through the Dark.’  The healing and liberating power of immersing ourselves in days of darkness is a symbolic return to the Primordial Womb of Creation, unlocking the doors to profound self-discovery, empowerment and spiritual growth.

Within the sacred space of complete darkness, we have the opportunity to release attachments, let go of turbulent emotions, conquer fears, and shed the limitations that hinder our fullest potential. Then something more miraculous may happen ~ the purpose of existence itself unfolds BEHIND OUR EYES as we palpably touch the Source and access the wisdom of our Soul.

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with Midjourney

Rediscover Your Radiance & Experience your True Nature

This unique 7-Day experience is not just a retreat, but a catalyst for self-evolution that combines spiritual awakening, neurochemical balancing, psychological transformation, deep somatic healing, and insight meditation.


Different than most Dark Retreats done alone and with no guided preparation, we offer a group experience, with two initial days of processes to drop you deeper into your essence and unravel your nervous system for your 3-day Initiation into total darkness, followed by two more days of essential integration practices and contemplation, all within a powerful communal container.

Ready for quantum changes in your life?

The people who most often come to Dark Retreats are:

Upcoming Darkness Immersion Retreats


Byron Bay, AUS

July 28 - 31 (short version)
$ 1450 - 1850 AUD

Indonesian Islands

March 21 - 29, 2024
$ 2150 - 2700 USD

Your already-enlightened Self beckons you from beyond time to embrace the immeasurably pure, self-luminous and eternally free aspect of you.

What Makes LuminEssence Darkness Retreats Different?


Pre- and post-integration practices

During two days before and after the core 3-day Darkness Immersion, participants will be held in an extraordinary container guiding them deeper into their own essence, embodiment, and revelation.

Guided Processes & Experiences

Wisdom teachings, authentic techniques of breath & meditation are mixed with pure energetic transmissions, guided processes, and experiments in higher sensory living. This includes trauma-informed therapeutic processes, intuitive somatic work for unwinding the nervous system, and other techniques for cultivating surrender and deep spaciousness.

Access to Higher Consciousness

Participants will learn how to access Higher Consciousness & Soul Awareness for a direct experience of their own Divine nature. These states are often only accessed in psychedelic journeys or other peak experiences. The processes at LuminEssence invite revelational insights, breakthrough psychosomatic healing and total body recalibrations, yet allows for more fluid integration without the use of plant medicines.


A Sacred Group Experience

Some of you are familiar with Dark Room but only equate it with a very private solo experience.  While each person will have all the time they wish to dive into their own experience, we will also meet twice a day (optional) for 2 hours each time as an intimate group of 8 to 12 people. 

Note: Nobody is obligated to any of these meetings ~ you follow your own guidance. We also have an option to do a traditional solo dark room as well.

Soul-Centric Connections

Imagine relating with a group where personality and one’s story doesn’t define your connection. When our default social tendencies are stripped from our interactions while at the same time our sensory system becomes highly attuned to subtle energies beyond sight, we begin relating from the Soul. A true unified field of coherence, telepathy, and resonance is formed.

Heart-Expanding Processes

Specific guided processes, healing work and insight practices will draw your heart deeper and deeper into its own intimate purity and radiant boundless expression, to then meet in transparent wonder with others in the retreat.

The Power of Group Dynamics

Previous participants have commented on how powerful and enhancing the group activities were, rather than remaining solely in isolated self-focus as other darkness retreats tend to do.

We enter the dark together so we can create a new foundation of light together

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What you will learn

The LuminEssence experience provides a loving spacious container to practice surrendering the mind’s safety-seeking strategies and discover the essential YOU beyond form and circumstances.

The Research and Science of Dark Room

Every day we are bombarded with 10,000 stimuli, impressions, thoughts, and tasks to ‘keep the wheels rolling.’  This constant distraction inhibits us from resting in pure essence and making deep intimate contact with life and self. 

Being in a constant state of cortisol fight/flight response also obstructs our immune system’s ability to regenerate and move into restorative physiological functions that reset our neurochemical, glandular, and cellular vitality.  A growing awareness around the importance of down-regulating our nervous system reveals how essential the Dark Room experience is in restoring health and balance. 

While darkness deactivates certain chemicals such as cortisol, it also activates other chemistry in the brain, such as melatonin. Melatonin regulation significantly affects many health conditions, improves sleep, manages immune function, blood pressure and cortisol levels, and acts as an antioxidant.  After a while, the body also starts to produce another neurochemical called pinoline, and eventually 5-MeO-DMT, and DMT, which produce visions, insight, God communion, and a profound sense of ‘beingness.’

A Portal of infinite possibility

For some, the Dark Room provides the most liberating experience of themselves and a mystical oneness with the Divine.  But this may only come with a direct confrontation of their challenging patterns and suffering.  You may likely have a whole spectrum of experiences…

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In the dark for 3 days, there is no hiding from yourself.  Like a truth serum, the darkness reveals your coping strategies, subconscious defense patterns and assimilated beliefs about life, love, death and who you are. This opportunity to notice what keeps your attention at the surface and be honest about why and how you prevent yourself from entering the deeper dimension of your being is a profound gift of realization.

Through clearly seeing the causes of our suffering, a compassion and potential for real change arrives to embrace Self just as it is.  We then learn to relax more deeply into “the mystery” of this incredible existence. During those moments, many nuances of the beauty of life and death are revealed.

As you emerge from this healing and transformative cocoon, you will be equipped with powerful embodiment practices, insightful wisdom, profound compassion and an overall deeper understanding of yourself. With this new internal compass as your guidance system, you will move back out into the world with a renewed sense of self-empowerment to continue your journey of Self-Awakening.

Your Darkness Immersion includes:

Become No body ~ No where ~ No space ~ No time

From the lamas in Tibet, to the Kogi Mamos in Colombia… Within the pyramids of the ancient Egyptians, the caves of the Himalayan Yogis and the catacombs of European Monks, the womb of darkness has provided a space of revelation to countless practitioners seeking the inner radiance of the Soul.

They all share a common realization: the True Self and the state of enlightenment are an experience that can not be attained. Rather, it is an awareness of who you eternally are when you strip away the identity, patterns, thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs of the mind, and reside in the innate wholeness of your Infinite nature… who you are before your birth and after your death. Pure awareness. I AM THAT.

Equally important aspects of the Dark Room are to experience self-love, true safety, self-intimacy, insight into our suffering, and healing at the deepest emotional, physical and mental levels. All kinds of revelations about both your ‘human’ and ‘divine’ self bloom in this fertile womb.

“In the depths of unraveling my identification habits, I was given a gift: the supreme power of forgiveness.”

Meet Your Guide ~ Amoraea

Amoraea has dedicated his entire life to mapping the Soul’s path towards enlightenment and the higher stages of consciousness, as well as all the pitfalls along the path that keep us trapped in self-created limitations.

Amoraea brings a plethora of integrated models and practices to the realm of self-development and meditation through an immersive 25 years exploring the alchemical secrets from ancient Buddhist/Hindu tantric lineages, shamanic healing, quantum energetic principles and Soul-centered transpersonal psychology to provide a full-spectrum integrated approach to evolution, subtle inner dimensions and awakening to one’s True Nature.

Amoraea has founded a successful retreat center and event temple in Kaua’i. He has produced a host of successful 1 to 3-month long online programs that are both education and experiential in nature. Amoraea has facilitated hundreds of transformational retreats, workshops, ceremonies and community events.  He is also a successful author, musician, visionary artist and coach.

The more we rest in this spacious, intimate, open experience of Self, the more we come to know it as our essential nature. It is this silent core of being that remains unmoving and unbroken, like the bottom of the ocean, even amidst the surface waves and drama of ‘our life.

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