There are 7 encrypted keys of wisdom that, when implemented, will open the doors to become a fully liberated ‘Universal Human’ unshackled from the illusions of space, time, limited beliefs, and emotional discord. In the Regenesis teachings, a ‘Universal Human’ signifies a Soul that is awakened, fully committed to the evolutionary design, and aligned with the new blueprint unfolding within our human species.
Just like the magnificent intelligence in our genetic code that develops our cells, bones, organs and limbs, there is also a spiritual instructional code that grows and directs our Soul towards maturation, awakening in us a divine potential to self-realize our infinite nature, inseparably one with the Universal Source and a perfect expression of that Source.
In this ReGenesis transmission we explore each of these 7 wisdom jewels, and through them, receive personal revelations and energetic openings that will QUICKEN your path to becoming a Universal Human.
Learn the secrets encoded in these 7 principles to:
🚀 1) Transform your body into a vehicle of enlightenment
🧞♂️ 2) Become an Awakened Dreamer, shaping your own reality
👁️ 3) Open your eyes and allow the Divine to see through you
🌎 4) Stop conserving your energy and allow the ecstatic pulse of evolution to pour through you
✨ 5) Transcend the mind, surpassing your own limiting beliefs and ALL beliefs
🐉 6) Experience life as an alchemical ‘Mystery School’ where every interaction makes you quiver with surrender and perfection
🔮 7) Release your own perceptions to perceive life from multiple reference points simultaneously (become the Buddha Field)
Awaken to the truth that infinite energy and support are available to transform every aspect of your reality for your highest potential. Your already-enlightened self is attempting to pull you up by your bootstraps in every moment to become the Awakened One.