Is Tantra an authentic route to Divine Union and Self-Realization, or merely a pretext for indulging in ‘holier’ sexual experiences, amplifying sensual pleasure, and potentially a subtle narcissistic trap?
The answer is BOTH.
Discover the truth in my next ReGenesis episode, where we will explore the original Kashmiri Shaivite and Tibetan Tantras and enter a path that holds the potential for true…radical…freedom… when practiced correctly.
Those ancient yogic pioneers delivered a way for us to experience all Creation as one eternal ‘Love Affair,’ pulsating and quivering within you, while also directly encountering the ‘Beloved’ in everything around us.
Yet, beyond just experiencing this divine ecstasy, Tantra offers a revolutionary approach to engaging with reality, one that erases all forms of opposition. It teaches us how to live in harmony, free from the ego’s divisive view that constantly judges experiences as good or bad. This path offers the profound ability to turn EVERY life experience into an opportunity for spiritual freedom.
The essence of True Tantra (beyond Neo- and Red Tantra taught these day)
An ecstatic soul-quaking guided journey that will divinize your body and transform you into a living flame of love
A guided ‘Deity Consort’ practice to become Shiva/Shakti incarnate
Techniques to dissolve barriers that emotionally and spiritually disconnect you from the Divine.
Insights into Vajrayana Tibetan Tantra, emphasizing the critical roles of compassion and the concept of emptiness on this path.
The ability to dissolve old imprints, transcend dualities, and shatter limitations
An encounter with ‘The Sacred Tremor’ – the pulsating heart of the universe and your very essence.
Understanding why Tantra is a crucial practice and perspective in these challenging times.
Insights into Planetary Gaian Tantra and its implications for human evolution.