Embodying the WisdomKeeper

What does Awakened Leadership translate to in your life?  How can you step into a more integrated role of embodying the wisdom your Soul came to this planet encoded with?  And what would it mean at the cosmic level to be a WisdomKeeper for Humanity?

Come with me on a journey to download the Akashic Records of Humanity AND to upload YOUR Soul’s archive into the Akash ~ the living memory storage device of the Universe.

This will require of you to become CRYSTAL clear what your life’s design is, embody it deep into your bones, and offer yourself as a living testament for Humanity’s Time Capsule so that other future races on this planet and beyond can learn from your life.

Oh and by the way, the price of admission is your Everythingness, your whole presence, your willingness to give your life up for the benefit of our race.

Along the way, you will get instructions from this most essential part of you and see the hologram of your holy existence from a much higher perspective!

What you will experience in this Transmission:

* A guided process to get clear answers on the bigger picture of your life

* An incredible journey to experience the Akashic records of Humanity

* Explore what makes us human & what makes you YOU

* Dream your life backwards from your Ascension

* How to step into your role as a WisdomKeeper

* Awakened Leadership 13.0

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